Ehh its ok
Im a big Miku and Luka fan but that doesnt mean i like all their songs. Well this game comes with 12 Hatsune Miku songs which i knew before buying which I cant complain and i like the features it has but still not worth the money. Each map has a video on the background running, kind of like project diva, but the video is low quality and darkish on my screen which takes away that colerfun feel to the game. The other thing I dont like is how you unlock the songs and the score. For unlocking songs you need to play a song first on normal but the high-score wont save unless play on easy which makes it feel to repetitive and boring very quick. It also needs a bit of more animations to the menu, it just feels to dull and simple. Other than that the game is fun, I just believe this game is more of a $6-$7 dollar app.
just:)me about
Miku Flick